What is Spot?
SPOT Business Systems has created the most powerful tool to help you deal with the day-to-day operational problems of your drycleaning business. SPOT is designed to take advantage of the power of the latest technologies and the Internet … taking your business into the future of electronic commerce. The market has long been familiar with our DOS-based SPOT Classic. Released to the market in 1991 it is the brother of the current Windows-based SPOT product. In 1997, SPOT embarked on creating a new product with the lineage of our SPOT Classic product in a true Windows interface. This thinking required us to create a completely new design, thought process and code-base to have SPOT run natively in a Windows environment.

Today we support the latest Microsoft technologies including Windows 8.x and 2012 R2 and SQL 2014 with a future plan of supporting future technologies as they become available. Since it’s release in 1998 and years of development the Windows version of SPOT is integrated with the best that technology has to offer. This technology assists you from the simple front counter operations to the advanced production controls built into SPOT.

Why is Spot Different?
Ever since our original SPOT Classic product was introduced in 1991 Spot Business Systems has aimed at being different from all other software vendors in this market. We have always taken a fresh look at the usage of software and automation in your environment.Since the inception of our current product back in 1997 we wanted to leverage the use of current technology to deliver our product and services. Released in 2000 our most current version of SPOT will put many invaluable features at your fingertips.

SPOT has the features you are looking for from simple operation by the user, detailed reporting for production and accounting, retention marketing, customer service features all with enterprise class configuration options. All features are based upon a current technology model that will allow you to scale SPOT from a single-user system to a 10,000-user enterprise on the most current technologies provided by Microsoft, Citrix and other leading manufactures. These are the same technologies used in all of the fortune 100 companies in America. We are not based on technology left over from the ’80’s or ’90’s like our competitors!

Best Laundry POS UAE, Dubai, Sharjah, Abu Dhabi

What’s New!

New – January 2017 Release
• On-Demand pickup request cut off time over ride with security.
• On-Demand pickup request confirmation email.
• CustomerConnect – Promo codes and Referral Source integration.
• CustomerConnect – Check gift Card balance for up to 50 cards (does not require user login).

Best Laundry POS UAE, Dubai, Sharjah, Abu Dhabi


• Track over 120 different activities within SPOT by time/date, clerk, workstation and store.
• Review the activity log by time/date, clerk, workstation and store.
• Print the activity log or just review it on screen.
• Create memorized “Views” of commonly used activity log sessions for fast and efficient reviews

Best Laundry POS UAE, Dubai, Sharjah, Abu Dhabi


Our dedicated and skilled support team is at your disposal 24/7, making sure your business always runs smoothly. Support is available to hosted customers or those who have purchased SPOT and are currently enrolled in a fee based annual “Support Agreement”.

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